Centaur 1988-1991

Centaur circa 1991

The Centaur saga continues...this time for the era of 1988-1991. There was a great deal of coming and going for this time period. Refer to the partial Centaur band family tree below to know when each of these members were in the band:

Bill Hollingsworth (bass/vocals)

Chuck Hollingsworth (drums)

Mike Teeter (guitar/vocals)

Lee Cherry (lead vocals)

Dale Matthews (guitar/vocals)

James Carver (guitar/vocals)

Jay Wood (guitar/vocals)

Rayon Ormond, Jr. (guitar/vocals)

Randy Klein (guitar/vocals)

Mike Hughes (guitar/vocals)

There was much transition in the music world as well as in the Centaur lineups during this era. Audiences' tastes were changing as grunge was becoming popular and Karaoke was also becoming the new rage which meant a death knell for many rock clubs (and the bands that needed places to play).  What never changed is that Chuck and Bill stayed true to their rock and roll roots! They did a lot of wood-shedding during this time, working up new and original songs and watching the revolving door of band membership spin. They had practiced for a few months in 1989 in an old warehouse in Ayden, NC, but that did not last long. They wound up having to practice at Bill's house during limited hours due to the close proximity of other homes. Chuck remembers having to actually practice with wire brushes and Bill and the others having to cut down their amps as low as possible. They only played one gig during these years and that was in September of 1991. That lineup featured Chuck, Bill, Rayon and Randy. It would not be long until a new era dawned with a few more changes and a few more gigs.

A small section of Centaur's band family tree drawn by Chuck Hollingsworth

Bill Hollingsworth on bass and vocals

Chuck Hollingsworth on drums

Jay Wood on guitar and vocals
Rayon  Ormond Jr,  Randy Klein, Chuck Hollingsworth, Bill Hollingsworth

Rayon Ormond Jr on guitar and vocals

Randy Klein on guitar and vocals

Mike Hughes on guitar and vocals

Set List
Centaur would like to thank their road crew and others who helped out at gigs during 1988-1991. Among these are Todd Lovitt and Mike Hughes.

1991 gigs featuring Bill Hollingsworth/Chuck Hollingsworth/ Rayon Ormond Jr/Randy Klein:

Sept 28: Club 64, Plymouth, NC (with Altered Ego)

Known Photo Credits: Sharon H., Laura D.

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